Search Results for “belarus”

Youth and Young Adult Engagement

      Netzer Olami, the international Reform Zionist Youth Movement is a platform for Progressive Jewish education and leadership training in Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Holand, Israle, North America, Panama, Russia, South Africa, the UK, and Ukraine. Click here to read more about our activities and how you can join!   […]


  Since 1989, the World Union has been growing rich network of programs and support for Progressive congregations, rabbis, educators and youth movement workers across Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, aiming to rebuild Jewish life in the Former Soviet Union and engage individuals and families in a creative, contemporary Judaism.     To date, our impact […]

Netzer Sniffim

Through our various sniffim (chapters), we run weekly meetings, summer and winter camps, residential Shabbatot, hadracha (leadership) training events, activism days, study events and seminars. We have thousands of members in sniffim all around the world. Worldwide Sniffim UPJ Netzer Germany Netzer Australia NFTY Noar Panama Netzer Ukraine UPJ Netzer France Netzer Russia Netzer Netherlands […]

[MOSCOW] First Graduates of the WUPJ Institute for Modern Jewish Studies

In a grand ceremony, with thousands in attendance, the first graduates of the Institute for Modern Jewish Studies – Dan Menzhynov, Artem Kozliner, Shimon Nikitenko and Daria Sevastsyanchyk – received their bachelor’s degrees in Jewish Theology from the Russian State University for Humanities in Moscow.

[RUSSIA] Russian Masa Program Celebrates Another Successful Year

Participants of the World Union for Progressive Judaism’s annual Masa Russian-language program, “Reformism as your personal and professional future,” recently celebrated the completion of their four month Israel program in Jerusalem. The Russian Masa program has been running for more than 14 years as an integral part of the work of the World Union of Progressive Judaism efforts for Russian-speaking Jews across Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. NextGEN GalleryEditDelete


    Discover celebrations and Tikkunei Leil Shavuot across our global movement.    

Netzer Tamar Shabbaton for Progressive Young Adults in Israel, April 2019

[ISRAEL] Progressive Shabbaton Connects and Inspires Young Adults in Israel

Over the past weekend, Netzer Olami hosted an educational Shabbaton at the Ruth Daniel Residence in Jaffa for Progressive young adults who are participating in various long-term programs in Israel. The seminar explored Progressive Judaism through workshops on: spirituality, Tikkum olam and activism, and Jewish culture and community. Close to 40 participants joined us, representing […]