Search Results for “belarus”

WUPJ Center for Leadership Development and Education

Meet the 2018 Cohort of the Beutel Leadership Seminar

(in alphabetical order) Suzanne Anderson | Great Britain I grew up in North London and now live in Sussex. I got married in 2016 and live with my husband on the South  Coast of England by the seaside. I am a Qualified Social Worker and my career has specialised in mental health and criminal justice. My role current […]

About Us

The World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), established in London in 1926, is the international network of the Reform, Liberal, Progressive and Reconstructionist movements, serving an estimated 1.8 million members worldwide in more than 1,250 congregations in over 50 countries. Headquartered in Jerusalem, the WUPJ represents the largest body of Jews in the world who […]

Reflecting on Twenty Years of Directing Netzer Olami and Tamar

In the summer of 1994, I set out for North America with my wife and two children as a shaliach (emissary) to the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY), the North American branch of the Reform youth movement. My service in the U.S. was cut short due to my wife Tikva’s cancer diagnosis, but […]

Reading from an open Torah scroll

Torah from around the world #82

by Rabbi Grisha Abramovich, Rabbi of the Religious Union for Progressive Judaism in the Republic of Belarus Perhaps one of the tasks of our weekly Parasha – Nitzavim-Vayelech – is to show the accessibility of the Torah. At the beginning of the chapter we read that everyone, including Jews of different classes and occupations, women and […]

Reading from an open Torah scroll

Torah from Around the World #341

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Grisha Abramovich, Rabbi of the Union for Progressive Judaism in the Republic of Belarus and the Sandra Breslauer “ Beit Simcha ” center in Minsk. Communal Responsibility Our chapter starts with the commandment “You shall appoint magistrates and officials and they will govern the people with true justice”. We have the […]

Reading from an open Torah scroll

Torah from Around the World #329

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Grisha Abramovich, head Rabbi of the Religious Union for Progressive Judaism in the Republic of Belarus Stop Just Complaining and Do Something Question – What technology, instrument or human resources do we need to run a Jewish community, its programs, services and events? There are many books, instructions, lessons and ideas […]

Reading from an open Torah scroll

Torah from Around the World #164

Connection to Reality By Rabbi Grisha Abramovich, Belarus Our Torah portion this week addresses issues that may not necessarily appear to be connected at first glance. Right after the laws concerning priests, we read about the calendar of our sacred occasions: Shabbat and festivals. Then, at the end of the chapter we are told the […]