WUPJ Library
The Wellspring of Heaven and Earth | Parashat Toldot
Water and wells enter into the imagination of the rabbis as metaphors for spiritual sustenance, love, peace, and as a way to tap into the wellspring of God.
The Paradox of the Life and Death of Sarah | Parashat Chayei Sarah
Sarah’s social status – and its impact on the future of her family and the people – was so great and significant, that not only did it not end at the time of her death, but in fact, it increased and strengthened subsequent to her passing.
If angry, even God will not deal with justice | Parashat Vayera
Resh Lakish once stated: “Any person who becomes angry, if he is a scholar, his wisdom departs from him; if he is a prophet, his prophecy departs from him.” After him, Rabbi Mani bar Patish said: “Whoever becomes angry, even if greatness has been apportioned to him from Heaven, he is lowered (from his greatness).” (Bavli, Pesachim 66b)
Four Steps on the Path of Lech L’cha | Parashat Lech Lecha
There is so much in this sedra, Lech L’cha, it is breathtaking. We are so familiar with it –especially the very first part — that it is hard for us to even take it all in. Perhaps we should disaggregate it. We can read it through four lenses.
Is Anyone Willing to Listen? | Parashat Noach
In the story of Noah, we learn about the capacity of human beings to commit evil and its consequences. Given freedom, human beings often use it unwisely. This story is an enlightening introduction as to why the Torah affirms that laws are necessary to create a coherent, civil society.
What’s the Point? Parashat Bereshit
Here we go again…reading the same old Torah from the start with Parashat B’reshit. Haven’t we been here before? Don’t we know how it ends? Who can see the point in it? Honestly, if you’ve looked closely at a Torah, you know there is no point. No one can see any point in it, because the Torah scrolls we read have no “points” (know in Hebrew as nikudot).
To Feel Joy, Do Joy! | Commentary on Sukkot
For many years, I had a plaque with a quote attributed to British writer, Vivian Greene. It read: Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain. Over the years, I, myself, and some who came to me for counsel, found support and inspiration in those […]
Our Dual-Gendered God | Parashat Ha’azinu
Are we really still referring to God in the masculine? This week’s Torah portion Ha’azinu makes clear that YHWH was understood as dual gendered. Ha’azinu opens with Moses declaring “Let the earth hear the words of my mouth!” And listen to what Moses is saying! God “convulsed in labor for you” (Deuteronomy 32:18), “gave birth […]
What do we do with the script of wiping out the nations from our path? | Parashat Vayelech
VaYelech is the third from last portions of the Torah. It describes the farewell of Moshe from the people of Israel and brings his last speech to his people. Following this last touching chapter is only the great poetry of Ha’azinu. VaYelech is read either before Rosh Hashana or in the Shabbat between Rosh Hashana […]
Nitzavim and Collective Effervescence | Parashat Nitzavim
I think it’s time I gave up my disdain for “the wave,” that strange bit of choreography we do at the ballpark, as we rise in unison, throw our hands into the air and mimic a wave moving from one side of the stadium to the other. I always hated it. It seemed so silly […]
Choosing Our Response | Parashat Ki Tavo
This week we continue to stand on the shores of the Jordan river reviewing the rules and laws. As part of the review, Moses reminds us of the blessings and curses that await us.
Taking a Long Term Approach | Parashat Ki Tetze
Struggling as we are with fires and floods, heat waves and other devastating natural disasters all around the world, these words from the Haftarah for Parashat Ki Tezei caught my attention this year.