The World Union Responds: Israeli Government Reneges Conversion Bill and Kotel for all Jews

26 June 2017 Jerusalem, Israel   We are profoundly disappointed in the decision of the Government of Israel to deny the Jewishness of Israeli citizens not converted under the authority of the chief rabbinate, and its refusal to honor its commitment to uphold the right of Jews to pray at the Kotel as they do in their […]

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A Joint Statement by the French Assembly for Liberal Judaism (AJL) and Arzenou France Regarding Recent Decisions by the Israeli Government

*The French Communique follows the English below The Israeli government’s decision to freeze implementation of the Kotel agreement is a threat to the unity of the Jewish People and for Zionism.  Israel is built of multiple commitments and many bold ideas, from ancient texts to today’s prayers, from Theodore Herzl to the Balfour Declaration and the […]

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Jewish Agency for Israel, Board of Governors, June 2017, Summary of Events

Jewish Agency Board of Governors Summary of Events June 25-27, 2017   On Sunday, June 25, the Israeli government adopted a decision submitted by Minister of the Interior Aryeh Deri (Shas) and Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman (United Torah Judaism) to suspend implementation of its January 2016 decision adopting a plan based on a proposal […]

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Statement from the South African Union for Progressive Judaism

PRESS RELEASE 26 JUNE 2017                        FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Progressive Jewry taken hostage The South African Union for Progressive Judaism (SAUPJ) and the South African Association of Progressive Rabbis (SAAPR) strongly condemn the decision by the Government of Israel to suspend the implementation of its own decision to establish a dignified space for egalitarian prayer […]

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The World Union Bids Farewell to a Pillar of Youth Engagement: Maoz Haviv Retires from Netzer Olami and Tamar After Twenty Years of Distinguished Service

The World Union bids farewell to one of its most beloved, veteran and respected professionals as Maoz Haviv, who has servied as the Director of Netzer Olami and Tamar for the past two decades, will be retiring at the end of June 2017. A brilliant educator, talented writer,  true chalutz (pioneer) and passionate Zionist, Maoz […]

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The Future of Progressive Jewish Leadership

My connection to the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) began in the summer of 2010. As a camper at URJ Kutz Camp, I shared a cabin with campers from Israel and South Africa, and I learned from them and other international campers about their experiences growing up in Netzer, the international Reform Zionist youth […]

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Why all Jewish Conferences Should Include Shabbat

At this point in my career, I have attended countless Jewish leadership conferences. In many instances, I have even been on the steering committees responsible for the selection of a theme, the development of programming, wrangling speakers, and overall logistical planning. While each conference’s audience, agenda and timing create unique challenges, those responsible for scheduling […]

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Submission Guidelines: Posting on

About Posting on The World Union’s website, including its library, news articles, oped pieces, and other written content, strives to be an online resource for Progressive, Liberal and Reform Jews, providing news from our global movement, Jewish thought and insight, and leadership pieces that advance individual and congregational Reform Jewish life. While our site […]

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About Lior Argaman, Director Youth & Young Adult Engagement

Lior Argaman is the Director of the Youth and Young Adults Engagement Department of the WUPJ.  She started this role in January 2018, after 10 years of work for the WUPJ. Lior has served as the Director of Shnat Netzer, the leadership gap-year program of the WUPJ, for 7 years in total, and was sent […]

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Reflecting on Twenty Years of Directing Netzer Olami and Tamar

In the summer of 1994, I set out for North America with my wife and two children as a shaliach (emissary) to the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY), the North American branch of the Reform youth movement. My service in the U.S. was cut short due to my wife Tikva’s cancer diagnosis, but […]

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