[KOREA] The APJ Young Professionals Shabbaton in Seoul
Just a few days after the much-vaunted Trump-Kim Summit in Singapore, the latest Asia Progressive Judaism Shabbaton was held in the South Korean capital, Seoul. All the overseas participants were keen to hear from the locals their view on what had just happened, and the latter did not hold back. The Shabbaton began with a […]
[ISRAEL] ARZENU Congratulates Isaac Herzog on Appointment to Chairman of the Jewish Agency
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ARZENU, representing Reform and Progressive Religious Zionists around the world and in Israel, congratulates longtime friend of our Movement Isaac Herzog on his unanimous election to the post of Chairman of the Jewish Agency of Israel. Mr. Herzog’s appointment reflects the deep concern of the Jewish Zionist leadership […]
[BRAZIL] Tamar Tikkun Olam Seminar Revisits Rio Doce Community and Extends its Impact for the Third Year in a Row
“Glad you’re here. We thought the world had forgotten us,” said Cacique José Barcelos, from the Botocudos tribe, in Vila do Areal, Espírito Santo. Cacique’s village was others destroyed in the environmental disaster which hit the entire Rio Doce in 2015. He tells the group of young adults who have come to restore and repair […]
[JERUSALEM] The Second Wilkenfeld International Women’s Leadership Seminar Forges New Female Pathways for Impact in 2018
Led in partnership with the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), the Wilkenfeld International Women’s Leadership Seminar is a leadership training program for women in Reform/Progressive congregations around the world who have been identified as potential emerging leaders. This year, 21 participants from 15 countries, representing a variety of the WUPJ regions, came to Jerusalem for […]
The World Union’s 2017 Annual Report
We are pleased to share the World Union for Progressive Judaism 2017 Annual Report highlighting our accomplishments, activities, and financial results. We thank you for your support and partnership in growing and strengthening Reform Judaism across the world. To download a pdf version of our Annual report, click here: The World Union’s Annual Report 2017.
[Russia] 70 Years of Israel-Russia Relations Celebrated at World Union Conference in Moscow
On May 23-24, the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), the Institute for Modern Jewish Studies and the Russian State University of Humanities (RSUH) in Moscow, in cooperation with The Department for Diaspora Activities, the Department for Zionist Activities in Israel and Combatting against Antisemitism of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) held a momentous academic […]
[South Africa] Photos from the SAUPJ Biennial in Johannesburg
Eyal Ronder, COO of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, attended the 2018 biennial of the South African Union for Progressive Judaism in Johannesburg. Below are photos from the joyous event, May 10-13 2018, which also hosted guests from the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism (IMPJ) and the European Union for Progressive Judaism […]
[SINGAPORE] Asian Progressive Judaism Teen Weekend
Twenty-five teens gathered from five cities for the most recent Asian Progressive Judaism (APJ) Teen Leadership weekend, held in Singapore from 11-13th May. Communities in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bali and Jakarta were all represented by their young people, accompanied by their rabbis and lay leadership. The group were treated to a tour of Jewish […]
In Memory of Rabbi Aaron David Panken z”l
We are a proud, strong and supportive global Jewish family. On May 5, 2018, a leading and much loved member of our family – our beloved teacher, mentor, friend, visionary inspiration and partner, Rabbi Aaron D. Panken, died tragically and prematurely in a plane crash. Rabbi Panken has served as the President of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute […]
Taking Their Seat at the Table
As a Roswell Klal Yisrael Fellow in 2016-17, Lily Jendroska spent the year networking with other young adult leaders, training in Jewish communal leadership, and developing a project for young adult engagement in her home country of Germany.