5779 Rosh Hashana New Year’s Greeting from the President of the World Union

As we approach this New Year of change and promise, I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the privilege I have felt serving as President of the World Union since 2014. 

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Shana Tova from the UJR-AmLat to our Global Jewish Family

Enjoy this video from the Union del Judaísmo Reformista (UJR-AmLat), for Reform and Progressive congregations across Latin America, celebrating our activities worldwide and their recent biennial in Recife, Brazil. Shana tova to all our global family!

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[ISRAEL] Who Needs Hebrew? Chavaya Summer Camp Fun Brings Shnat Netzer Participants Together with Noar Telem

In 2018, Netzer Olami introduced a new focus for Shnat Netzer participants increasing the partnership between participants of Shnat Netzer and Shnat Sheirut (pre-army volunteer program of Noar Telem, Israel’s Reform Youth Movement). Throughout the year, participants of both young leadership programs met for joint activities and discussions in an effort to build connections between them. This added focus received great feedback, leading to stronger social and ideological relationships among all involved.

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[FSU] Netzer Summer Camps in Full Swing for Hundreds Across FSU

Summer camps are in full swing in Belarus, Russia, Poland and Ukraine, with more than 600 campers enjoying outdoor activities and exploring Reform Judaism. Many are still celebrating 70 years of the State of Israel as central themes for cultural, artistic and historical activities in their camps.

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[ISRAEL] Creating Meaningful Connections: The Bergman Seminar for Progressive Jewish Educators, July 2018

In July 2018, 17 Jewish educators from the United States, Germany, Belarus, Israel and Czech Republic, came together in Jerusalem for the Bergman Seminar for Progressive Jewish Educators, run by the World Union Center for Leadership Development and Education. 

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[ISRAEL] NETZFEST Hosts Hundreds of Progressive Teens Visiting Israel in Large-scale Summer Festival

More than 400 young adults came together in the Ben Shemen for NETZFEST – a celebration of the strength and voices of our worldwide young adult movement, Netzer Olami (Reform Zionist Youth). The summer day was filled with outdoor challenge activities that brought together participants from various branches (snifim) of Netzer; discussions about critical issues […]

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[FRANCE] French Countryside Comes Alive with Torah, Songs and Summer Fun: This is MahaNetzer July 2018

For three weeks, approximately 160 of us –campers, staff and rabbis– lived together as a community in the south west of France. Although we came from several different countries; we ate prayed, played and learned together.   Imagine rolling hills filled with vineyards and fields overflowing with sunflowers. Can you hear voices singing and praying in […]

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Tisha B’Av and the Nation-State Law

The Nation-State basic law passed by the Knesset this week comes dangerously close to declaring Jewish superiority.  We are grateful to those who lobbied the members of the Knesset, and are relieved by some of the amendments to the original drafts of the law; but we remain concerned that the bill gives special rights to Jews that are not guaranteed to all citizens of the State of Israel. 

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[UK] Finding a Home in Liberal Judaism

Liberal Judaism members from all around the UK and beyond took part in an inspirational Biennial Weekend at the end of June. Discussions focused on the next steps in liturgy, theology, policy, outreach work and shared values that will drive Progressive Judaism forward both in Britain and around the world. For the first time in its history, the Biennial weekend was completely […]

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A Message from a Fellow Traveler

Are you aware of the many opportunities that our global Reform Movement provides for all of us?  Because your congregation is part of the larger Reform Community, you belong to the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) here in North America or a similar national organization and to the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) connecting Jews around the world.  Our new Find a Community app – currently in app stores for iPhone and Android users – gives you all the information you need to find a Reform Congregation anywhere from Wheeling, West Virginia here in the USA to Warsaw Poland, or even from Buenos Aires to Budapest.

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