2017 Netzer Year in Review
2017 was a significant for Netzer Olami. As a movement that’s been actively engaging youth in Reform Judaism and Zionism for more than thirty years, our snifim are reporting growth and vibrancy in responding to the changes taking place across the Jewish world. Read our annual review here.
Statement from Progressive and Reform Jewish Movement on Expulsion of Asylum Seekers from Israel
The World Union joins our regional partners, and members of our global Progressive movement, in issuing the following statement protesting the deportations of asylum seekers in Israel. You shall not wrong nor oppress a stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. (Exodus 22:20) We strongly urge the Israeli government to reverse its decision […]
[FRANCE] Statement from the Assembly of Liberal Judaism (AJL) Regarding Attacks on Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur
The Assembly of Liberal Judaism (AJL) of France expresses its full solidarity with Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur in the face of attacks, insults and threats against her in social networks. We denounce all the words of hatred and foolishness of these attacks, and ask the whole Religious or community leaders to act in a clear manner […]
Travel with the World Union & Experience Reform Judaism Around the World
Looking to travel this year? And interested in experiencing and exploring Reform and Progressive Judaism around the world? In partnership with Ayelet Tours, the World Union is leading two exciting tours in 2018 – and you’re invited to join! Igniting the Musical Jewish Soul, February 17-24 A seven day Caribbean cruise aboard the Royal Caribbean […]
[RUSSIA] Hannukah Celebrations 2017
Hanukkah was celebrated by Progressive communities large and small across Russia, each congregation celebrated in its own special way. In Tyumen, the Madregot community organized a Jewish culture festival from December 8-10. Tyumen congregation Community Spiritual Leader Igor Varkin and Chair Elena Mozgovaya, along with Cantor Dmitry Karpenko, took part in all events. The culmination of […]
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Traveling overseas? Looking to experience Shabbat or holiday services with other, like-minded Reform, Progressive or Liberal Jews? We’ll connect you with communities worldwide for home hospitality, services, and more! What makes Reform and Progressive Judaism so special? The 1.8 million Jews who are affiliated with our inclusive and values-driven movement in over 50 countries around […]
[Global] Progressive Jewish Voices Represented at the United Nations (UN)
With over 22 years of service, Janet Stovin, devotes her commitment to the World Union for Progressive Judaism by representing its mission of connecting Judaism from every corner of the world at the United Nations. Stovin serves as the World Union’s NGO representative at the UN and sits on the NGO Department of Public Information executive committee. “I filter things through the Jewish perspective,” Stovin said.
The World Union at the United Nations: Representing our Jewish Values on the Global Stage
The role of the WUPJ representative at the UN is to share the international take on Judaism. Due to progressive Judaism’s ever changing involvement in relation to social justice, the representative is held responsible to report the efforts made by the WUPJ that relate to the social justice efforts in the respective UN committees. The WUPJ serves as the only Jewish voice on some committees the representative sits on and on others, the only progressive Jewish voice. It is considered one of the main contributors to religious freedom around the world.
[NORTH AMERICA] Gala Dinner Honors Visionaries and Supporters Nani and Austin Beutel and Rabbi Meir Azari
More than 400 people attended the World Union’s gala dinner event at the URJ Biennial in Boston in December 2017. With over 40 delegates from outside North America and more than 30 young leaders, the event reflected the global reach of the work of Nani and Austin Beutel and Rabbi Meir Azari, all visionary supporters […]
[UKRAINE] Rabbi Calls for Urgent Action on Jewish Refugee Crisis
Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, Senior Rabbi to Reform Judaism, is calling for urgent action in response to “our forgotten refugee crisis”. Since the war in Eastern Ukraine began in 2014, 1.8m people have been forced from their homes by the fighting, including thousands of Jews from Donetsk and Lugansk.