[AUSTRALIA] Shir Chadash Music Conference brings community together in Melbourne

The fourth Union for Progressive Judaism music conference – Shir Chadash (A New Song) – was held on 12-14 July at Geelong Conference Centre, west of Melbourne. 

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[MOSCOW] First Graduates of the WUPJ Institute for Modern Jewish Studies

In a grand ceremony, with thousands in attendance, the first graduates of the Institute for Modern Jewish Studies – Dan Menzhynov, Artem Kozliner, Shimon Nikitenko and Daria Sevastsyanchyk – received their bachelor’s degrees in Jewish Theology from the Russian State University for Humanities in Moscow.

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[EDITORIAL] Powerful and Protested: My Women of the Wall Experience

Eager but anxious, I walk past the barricades which keep ultra-Orthodox men from blocking the entrance, and step into the women’s section of the Western Wall. Weaving through the private security and appalled young Orthodox girls who surrounded the service, I join the circle of women singing, their prayer books raised proudly in the air.

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[UK] Four new Progressive rabbis trained at Leo Baeck College

July 7 saw the ordination of four new Progressive rabbis trained at Leo Baeck College: Rabbi Zahavit Shalev, Rabbi Cantor Gershon Silins, Rabbi Daniela Touati and Rabbi Igor Zinkov. They are going on to serve Liberal, Reform and Masorti congregations in the UK and Europe.

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Mourning the Tragic Passing of Devra Freelander z”l

It is with overwhelming sadness that we share news of the tragic death of Devra Freelander z”l, daughter of Rabbis Elyse and Daniel Freelander, past President of the World Union.

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A Message from our Outgoing President Rabbi Daniel H. Freelander

Rabbi Daniel H. Freelander reflects on highlights from his term as President of the World Union of Progressive Judaism from 2015 to June 2019.

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[RUSSIA] Russian Masa Program Celebrates Another Successful Year

Participants of the World Union for Progressive Judaism’s annual Masa Russian-language program, “Reformism as your personal and professional future,” recently celebrated the completion of their four month Israel program in Jerusalem. The Russian Masa program has been running for more than 14 years as an integral part of the work of the World Union of Progressive Judaism efforts for Russian-speaking Jews across Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. NextGEN GalleryEditDelete

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[MOSCOW] Integrated Special Needs Program Opens Summer Day Camp

he Meodomik Integration program operates year round activities for children with special needs and their families, integrating social, cultural and recreational programs based in the Moscow Jewish Community Center, MEOD.

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[SPAIN] New leadership development program

The Jewish Progressive Federation of Spain launched the leadership development program in Santiago de Compostella, on the 24th-26th of May, 2019. This is a half year program that will be concluded in Rota, in November.

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[EUROPE] German – Czech Partnership Reinforced

The 24th General Assembly of the Union of Progressive Jews in Germany (UpJ, Union progressive Juden) has opened in Karlovy Vary, a town in the Czech Republic, on May 30, 2019. For the first time ever 350 delegates from 26 Jewish communities spent the weekend in a European partner country to network with Czech Jewry.

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