[NORTH AMERICA] Torah Scroll Rescued from the Holocaust To Be Returned Home To New Czech Republic Congregation

The sacred artifact of Jewish history will be returned home as a symbol of the rebirth of Jewish life in Central Europe. Reform Jewish Movement leaders chanted from this remarkable Torah scroll during Shabbat worship services at the URJ Biennial 2019.

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[INDONESIA] Shabbat with the Jewish Community of Jakarta

Rabbi David Kunin, chair of the Council of Australian, New Zealander and Asian Progressive Rabbis, shares his impressions of the first Shabbat he spent with the Jewish Community of Jakarta, Indonesia.

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[LATIN AMERICA] First Ordination at the IberoAmerican Institute for Reform Rabbinical Education

The historical rabbinical leaders of the Reform Movement in Latin America constituted in Beit Din (Rabbinical Court) granted the first smichah to a graduate of the IberoAmerican Institute for Reform Rabbinical Education. Mazal Tov, Rabbi Diego Elman!

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[BRAZIL] Tikkun Olam Seminar brings together young Reform Jews to help Rio Doce community

The 4th Tikkun Olam Seminar – an initiative of the Union of Reform Judaism in Latin America and Tamar, the young adult movement of Netzer Olami of the World Union – brought together 25 young Brazilian Jews from Porto Alegre, Sao Paulo, Rio and Brasilia and architecture students from Espírito Santo to renovate the community center of the indigenous community of Vila do Areal.

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[AUSTRALIA] Leo Baeck Centre celebrates 70th

The Leo Baeck Centre for Progressive Judaism celebrated its 70th anniversary at a festive dinner on 23 November. Special guest Rabbi Dr John Levi and Howard Nathan gave addresses, and Union for Progressive Judaism immediate past president Roger Mendelson presented certificates of appreciation to Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black and Dr Linda Stern for their editorial work on our region’s new machzor, Mishkan T’shuvah.

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[SOUTH AFRICA] Progressive Rabbi Attends United Arab Emirates Embassy Conference

Organized by the Embassy of United Arab Emirates in South Africa and the Centre of Human Rights at the University of Pretoria, the summit  “Year of Tolerance: Prospects for Peace and Stability in Africa” focused on how education and knowledge-sharing can be a powerful tool to raise awareness on tolerance in diversity.

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[AUSTRALIA/ ISRAEL] 40 Years of Netzer’s Impact From Australia to Israel: Celebrating and Reflecting on Our Shared Experiences and Values

2019 markes the 40th year of Netzer, the Reform Zionist Youth movement. Celebrations first took place during the Netzer Veida of January 2019. On November 23, two additional events were held by Netzer Australia graduates: the first, in Tel Aviv, a Shabbat retreat for Netzer graduates (bogrim) who have moved to Israel and Israeli emissaries (shlichim) who served the Jewish communities in Australia; and the second, in Melbourne, a large-scale celebration organized by Netzer bogrim and current participants.

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[BRAZIL] Mourning the Passing of Rabbi Henry Sobel Z”L

It is with sadness that World Union shares the news of the passing of Rabbi Henry Sobel Z”L in Miami on November 22. The death of Henry Sobel, Brazil’s iconic rabbi and human rights activist, was mourned by Jewish and non-Jewish groups across Latin America’s largest nation.

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[FRANCE] When Leadership is From the Heart: Tamar and ARZENU Young Leadership Seminar

More than 60 young adults from the global Progressive movement from 14 countries came together for a weekend of learning, networking, sharing and growing together in Marseilles, France. The seminar was sponsored by both the WZO and Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund, Arzenu and Tamar Olami. We were generously hosted by Union Liberale Israelite de France (ULIF), Communite de Marseille for our opening event on Thursday evening, where we enjoyed a meal, and some TED Talks about innovation, political homelessness and veganism in Israel.

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[JAPAN] Asia Progressive Judaism (APJ) Teen Shabbaton in Tokyo

The Jewish Community in Tokyo (JCJ) was excited to host the November teen shabbaton of Asian Progressive Judaism (The Asian Congregations of the UPJ of Australia, New Zealand and Asia). Eighteen young people (plus their young feeling chaperones) from Beijing, Hong Kong, Hiroshima, Shanghai and Tokyo came together to celebrate and experience both Tokyo and […]

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