Search Results for “belarus”

[BELARUS] Gomel, Belarus Celebrates Purim – PHOTO GALLERY

This past week, the National Belorussian Jewish School – Atikva in Gomel, Belarus hosted a conference on pedagogy in formal Jewish education. Take a look below to experience the conference first hand and learn how a Jewish day school in Belarus celebrates Purim. The opening ceremony of the conference, featuring a performance by some of […]

Happy and Sweet Rosh Hashanah from WUPJ

The WUPJ mishpachah sends you and your loved ones our prayers and good wishes for a happy and sweet new year.   Your support of the World Union for Progressive Judaism ensures vibrant and dynamic Jewish life in Ukraine, Belarus, Australia, Guatemala, Argentina, France, South Africa, and hundreds of other communities worldwide.  Your generosity enables WUPJ […]

Manna: miracle and lesson | Parashat Beshalach

In the chapter Bshalach we learn how God interrupts the natural order to establish relationship between divine and human. One of the ways of relationship, after the rescue at the sea from Pharaoh and Egyptians, was the Manna, which played the role of everyday food and certain lesson to the children of Israel.

[ISRAEL] Beutel and Bergman Seminars bring together participants from ten different countries

This year’s seminars took place in Israel from July 5-14 in line with the theme “Startup Progressive Jewish Leadership: From Vision to Reality”. They gathered day school teachers, rabbis, religious school directors, community leaders, and community directors to learn together, form collaborative relationships and strengthen the bonds of friendship that all Israel is responsible for one another.


      Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine World Union for Progressive Judaism – FSU (WUPJ-FSU)     BELARUS   Sandra Breslauer Beit Simcha Center • Minsk     Friday, January 14, at 6pm (Local Time) Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Cantor Elena Schwartz and Rabbi Cantor Sergei Schwartz, at Temple Sinai of Roslyn. Join them on […]

Tu b’Shevat

      Happy Tu b’Shevat!   Discover how our congregations around the world are celebrating the “New Year of the Trees”.     Support the World Union Today!        

Chanukah Special

      CHAG CHANUKAH SAMEACH!   Discover how our congregations around the world are celebrating Chanukah, hosting activities, and connecting with community members.     Click through below to see resources, activities and events all over the world:   Australia, New Zealand, and Asia Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine Europe Israel Latin America North America […]