Darryl Egnel with Sonja Guentner, EUPJ Chair

My Jewish Journey | Beutel Leadership Seminar

In January 2006, I attended the Beutel Leadership Seminar in Israel. The seminar, which was then in its third year, was organised and run by the Anita Saltz International Education Center (now called the WUPJ Center for Leadership Development and Education), and we were based at its international headquarters in Jerusalem The Beutel Leadership Seminar’s […]

Scenes from the Wilkenfeld International Women's Empowerment Seminar June 2018

[Jerusalem] Reflections on the Wilkenfeld International Women’s Leadership Seminar

Recently, I was privileged to participate in the WUPJ – WRJ Wilkenfeld International Women’s Leadership Seminar at Beit Shmuel, headquarters of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, in Jerusalem. This intense and intimate learning experience, conceived of and endowed by WRJ Past President Dolores Wilkenfeld, brings together Reform and Progressive Jewish women from different parts […]

Scenes of participants connecting at the Kotel during the Beutel Leadership 2018

Reflections on Impact: The Beutel Leadership Seminar in Jerusalem, February 2018

  In February, there were 10 intense days of activities, with hands-on classes on the streets of Israel. The 18 participants, representing 13 different countries (Brazil, Australia, Zimbabwe, Belgium, Spain, the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Canada, England and Germany) also had intense debates about topics proposed by the Beutel Seminar for Jewish Reform […]

WUPJ Center for Leadership Development and Education

Meet the 2018 Cohort of the Beutel Leadership Seminar

(in alphabetical order) Suzanne Anderson | Great Britain I grew up in North London and now live in Sussex. I got married in 2016 and live with my husband on the South  Coast of England by the seaside. I am a Qualified Social Worker and my career has specialised in mental health and criminal justice. My role current […]

2015-16 Roswell Klal Yisrael Fellows In a Workshop in Jerusalem, at Beit Shmuel

Roswell Klal Yisrael Fellowship Now Accepting Applications for Cohort 4!

We are excited to let you know about the opening of applications for Cohort 4 of the Roswell Klal Yisrael fellowship! The Roswell Klal Yisrael fellowship is a leadership seminar for world-wide progressive Judaism, inspiring global young adult Jewish leaders to be change agents around the world, held in partnership between the World Union and the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).