[STATEMENT] EUPJ and WUPJ Respond to European Ban on Kosher and Halal Slaughter

The European Union’s raison d’etre is to promote tolerance and protection to minorities. The European Union of Progressive Judaism recently opened an office in Brussels because it believed that the Union was taking strong action to fight anti-Semitism and promote Jewish life in Europe. Unfortunately, the European Court of Justice has upheld a ban on kosher and hallal slaughter in Belgium. This ruling represents a dangerous denial of religious freedom. It contradicts the European Union’s commitment to protecting fundamental human rights. We will continue to work with others to press the European Union to live up to its commitments.

Responding to Terror: Our Global Movement Stands with Halle

The World Union joins members of our global movement – in Germany and around the world – in expressing our horror and sadness upon hearing of the brutal attack on a synagogue in Halle, Germany. We grieve the loss of life and the terror enacted upon those who came together to pray on Yom Kippur, the holiest of days in the Jewish calendar. 

#6for6 Netzer Olami Campaign: Report Hate Speech Online in Honor of Israel Remembrance Day

What if everyone we knew stood up against the spread of hate? This year, in honor of Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) on May 1, we are asking our leaders, congregations, and youth movement members and graduates worldwide – and everyone who stands against the prevalence of hatred and incitement online – to report six incidents of hatred on social media.

Klal Yisrael Fellowship Visits ULIF in Paris March 2019

[FRANCE] Klal Yisrael Cohort 5 Explores Progressive Judaism in Paris

On March 3 – 10, 2019, the  Klal Yisrael Fellowship Cohort 5 came together in Paris, France for the second seminar of their fellowship year. The Klal Yisrael Fellowship program is a program of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) in collaboration with the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), and the Israel Movement for Progressive and Reform Judaism (IMPJ). Klal Yisrael is enabled by a generous grant from Betty and Arthur Roswell.  Participants, ages 21-30, meet for three seminars over the course of ten months – in Israel, North America and Europe – to collaborate and develop their capacity to impact an area of Jewish life that is important to them.

wupj press release

The World Union Condemns Religious Violence and Murder in New Zealand

The senseless murders of 49 Muslims during Friday prayers at two Mosques in Christ Church, New Zealand horrifies us. The World Union for Progressive Judaism, representing over 1.2 million Jews around the world, condemns this act of terror and religious intolerance, and sends our support and condolences to the entire New Zealand community.