Mourning the Passing of Bella Hirsch Z”L
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Bella Hirsch, wife of Rabbi Richard (Dick) Hirsch, Honorary Life President of the World Union for Progressive Judaism.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Bella Hirsch, wife of Rabbi Richard (Dick) Hirsch, Honorary Life President of the World Union for Progressive Judaism.
Ec Chajim held its inaugural Kabbalat Shabbat service and dinner at the Hotel Modré Růže Blue Rose Hotel in Prague . About 120 people aged between one and 91, attended the event.
The World Union for Progressive Judaism stands firmly with the people of Sri Lanka against the cowardly and devastating bombings in Churches and Hotels and on the holy day of Easter Sunday. To date over 200 people have died and twice that injured, as time passes those horrific numbers will become clearer and the extent of this terrorist act will reflect the utter hate of the extremists involved.
As their MASA program in Israel, “Reform – Your Personal and Professional Future,” came to a close, students from the Former Soviet Union spent the afternoon touring the Jerusalem neighborhood of Rehavia
On the morning January 27th, 2019, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, members of Kehilat Natan-Ya, in Netanya Israel, woke up to discover their sanctuary was not only broken into but vandalized in a terribly cruel and destructive manner
eida Olami, the global summit of Netzer leadership, took place on January 15 – 20 at Beit Shmuel in Jerusalem. The Veida is convened annually as the governing body of Netzer to share best practices in young adult education, leadership, Israel engagement, as well as provide a global networking opportunity.
A lifetime of Jewish connections in one summer! The WUPJ 2018 Youth Camping Report highlights the impact of our international camping movement throughout the world, featuring statistics and locations of summer camps, counselors in key countries around the world!
The UPJ Biennial, held in Melbourne, Australia on 15-18 November, hosted more than 220 attendees from around the UPJ region (which covers Australia, New Zealand and Asia), with additional representatives from the UK, Israel and the US.
The WUPJ Conference in Odessa was an excellent platform for participants to study and discuss the ideology and mission of our Movement. Representatives of the communities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, along with youth leaders and activists from Netzer participated in lively discussions about the future of the movement, about the priorities that we want to set for ourselves over the next two years and expressed opinions on how to build a link between different generations in communities.
On October Monday October 15th, the World Union, and its partners in the Institute for Modern Jewish Studies – Russian State University, Abraham Geiger Kolleg, and Potsdam University – came together to dedicate and open the Frances Aaron Hess Memorial Library at the Institute.