Supporting our Rabbis and Their Families in Times of Need

Rabbi Alfred Nathan’s infant son (United Hebrew Congregation, Singapore) had been diagnosed with serious medical issues which the local hospital insurance will not cover. The costs have been enormous. Our Singapore congregation is trying to help any way they can, and has started a more public, global fundraising campaign to cover medical expenses.

Comparing a locally grown etrog (left) with Israeli imports in Indonesia.

[ASIA] Sukkot in Asia 5779

This year Sukkot was celebrated by WUPJ Communities across the Asian continent this year with much joy and in a uniquely Asian style. At the United Jewish Congregation in Hong Kong, their Sukkah frame survived the lashings of Typhoon Mangkhut which swept through the city before Yom Kippur. Luckily there was no s’kach covering on […]

[SINGAPORE] Asian Progressive Judaism Teen Weekend

Twenty-five teens gathered from five cities for the most recent Asian Progressive Judaism (APJ) Teen Leadership weekend, held in Singapore from 11-13th May. Communities in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bali and Jakarta were all represented by their young people, accompanied by their rabbis and lay leadership.   The group were treated to a tour of Jewish […]

At the Asian Progressive Union Summit, Hong Kong 2018

[HONG KONG] Welcoming Jews on the Frontiers at the Asian Progressive Jewish Summit

Twenty representatives of six Asian Progressive communities met in Hong Kong in late January for the 2018 Asian Progressive Jewish Summit, and were joined by World Union leaders Carole Sterling, Chair, and Rabbi Daniel H. Freelander, President. Delegates from Shanghai, Singapore, Myanmar, Bali, Tokyo and Hong Kong were joined by Rabbi Fred Morgan, Regional Rabbi […]