newly created Ibero-American Institute for Reform Rabbinical Education (IIFRR) in Latin America

[ARGENTINA] IberoAmerican Institute for Reform Rabbinical Education (IIFRR) Opens for Growth in Latin America

The World Union is proud to announce the creation and launch of a newly-created IberoAmerican Institute for Reform Rabbinical Education (IIFRR) on September 7, 2017. In partnership with its regional organization, the World Union for Progressive Judaism – Latin America, Fundación Judaica and Centro de Espiritualidad Judía Mishkan, the Institute will training educators, community leaders and rabbis in Spanish and Portuguese to growth and strengthen Progressive Judaism across the region.

Ordination of Seven New Reform Rabbis at Leo Baeck College in London 2017

Leo Baeck College Makes History as Seven New Rabbis are Ordained

Seven new European Progressive rabbis have been ordained by Leo Baeck College, including the first ever Spanish born Progressive rabbi. Six of the rabbis will serve Reform communities. Rabbi Haim Casas will make history when he returns home to begin work in communities in Spain, as well as France and Switzerland. He was one of the […]