UJRAmLat Video Rosh Hashana

Shana Tova from the UJR-AmLat to our Global Jewish Family

Enjoy this video from the Union del Judaísmo Reformista (UJR-AmLat), for Reform and Progressive congregations across Latin America, celebrating our activities worldwide and their recent biennial in Recife, Brazil. Shana tova to all our global family!

Scenes of participants connecting at the Kotel during the Beutel Leadership 2018

Reflections on Impact: The Beutel Leadership Seminar in Jerusalem, February 2018

  In February, there were 10 intense days of activities, with hands-on classes on the streets of Israel. The 18 participants, representing 13 different countries (Brazil, Australia, Zimbabwe, Belgium, Spain, the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Canada, England and Germany) also had intense debates about topics proposed by the Beutel Seminar for Jewish Reform […]

In Costa Rica, Bnei Israel's First Synagogue and the Cow who sat on the its doorstep regularly

When Dreams Become Reality: Comunidad B’nei Israel Costa Rica Celebrates 30 Years

In 1984, two kindergarteners from Country Day School in San Jose, Costa Rica (Saul Herckis and Alberto Bonilla) discovered they were Jewish. Their parents, who did not belong to the Centro Israelita, the only synagogue in the country at that time, because they were not Orthodox in their believes or practices, began to meet weekly to celebrate Shabbat. They were soon joined by other families who sought communal prayer and celebration in a more spiritual, and less rigorous, Jewish framework. 

And in those first gatherings, Communidad B’nei Israel of Costa Rica was born.

newly created Ibero-American Institute for Reform Rabbinical Education (IIFRR) in Latin America

[ARGENTINA] IberoAmerican Institute for Reform Rabbinical Education (IIFRR) Opens for Growth in Latin America

The World Union is proud to announce the creation and launch of a newly-created IberoAmerican Institute for Reform Rabbinical Education (IIFRR) on September 7, 2017. In partnership with its regional organization, the World Union for Progressive Judaism – Latin America, Fundación Judaica and Centro de Espiritualidad Judía Mishkan, the Institute will training educators, community leaders and rabbis in Spanish and Portuguese to growth and strengthen Progressive Judaism across the region.