wupj press release

The World Union Responds to Devastating Bombings in Sri Lanka: We Must Continue to Fight Against Hatred

The World Union for Progressive Judaism stands firmly with the people of Sri Lanka against the cowardly and devastating bombings in Churches and Hotels and on the holy day of Easter Sunday. To date over 200 people have died and twice that injured, as time passes those horrific numbers will become clearer and the extent of this terrorist act will reflect the utter hate of the extremists involved.

wupj press release

The World Union Condemns Religious Violence and Murder in New Zealand

The senseless murders of 49 Muslims during Friday prayers at two Mosques in Christ Church, New Zealand horrifies us. The World Union for Progressive Judaism, representing over 1.2 million Jews around the world, condemns this act of terror and religious intolerance, and sends our support and condolences to the entire New Zealand community.