Beth Am Poltava Fundraiser Twinning

[US] Beth Am Trivia Night Fundraiser Connects California, Poltava and Buenos Aires

Cherie and Fred Half, lay leaders of the World Union’s North American Advisory Board, and members of Congregation Beth Am, Los Altos Hills, California, reported on a very successful fundraising event at the end of February. Congregation Beth Am has for about 20 years been underwriting our twin congregation in Poltava, Ukraine. Our committee has […]

Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires

[Argentina] A Journey Back Home… A New Story to Tell

On May 25, 1908, the Opera House in Buenos Aires, “Teatro Colon,” opened its doors in its current location. This monumental and majestic theater required three different architects and the most refined woods, marble, tile, etc. from Spain, France, and Italy, as well as other countries, for its construction. Luciano Pavarotti would say about the […]

Sowing the Seeds of Native Rabbinic Leadership

In August 2017, the World Union and its partner region in Latin America, Union for Reform Judaism (URJ-AmLat), launched the Iberoamerican Institute for Reform Rabbinical Education in Buenos Aires to recruit and train rabbis and educators for Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking Reform congregations. As the first school of its kind in the region, the Iberoamerican Institute lays vital groundwork for the growth of Reform Judaism across Latin America.