Together, we will embark on a journey of discovery and live new experiences. We will explore our Jewish identity and understand how it shapes our daily lives. A significant focus will be placed on truly being part of a Kvutza (group) and gaining firsthand knowledge about Hagshama and Hadracha.
Shnat is built from chapters, Kibbutz Seminar, Machon Le’Madrichei Chul, Nitzana, URJ Camps and Harduf- Project10.

Open Seminar- Seminar Kvutzah –We will open the Shnat with a seminar Kvutzah before continuing to Machon. During this seminar, the Kvutzah will begin discussing what it means to be a Kvutzah, building a community, and forming lifelong friendships.
Machon Le’Madrichei Chul- The Machon is an international campus in Jerusalem. It includes a combination of lessons and experiences through which participants learn about Israel, Judaism, and a range of contemporary issues. Machon values hands-on learning so makes sure to include a number of trips and seminars within their programming. During Machon you will also have the opportunity to travel to “Masa Le Polin”- a trip to Poland to learn about Jewish history and the Holocaust.
Chalutziyut- Kibbutz experience :Experiencing the Kibbutz life, learning about the kibbutzim ideology, and working at the kibbutz. During this stage, we will immerse ourselves in the kibbutz community, delving into its history and understanding the values that have shaped and transformed kibbutz life. Despite over a century of existence and numerous structural changes, communal living remains the driving ideological force of the kibbutz movement. The voluntary work will help reinforce Israeli agriculture, which has been greatly affected in recent months, as well as the kibbutz movement. Additionally, we’ll explore the history and culture of the kibbutzim formed by reformist communities in the Arava, particularly Lotan and Yahel
URJ Camps: URJ Camps in the USA offer an incredible experience as madrichim (counselors). This chapter provides opportunities to expand your relationships with fellow Progressive and Reform Jewish communities and gain valuable experience in camps and practical hadracha (leadership) skills.

Project Ten – Harduf: As part of ProjectTenwith the Jewish Agency, you will spend two months at Kibbutz Harduf. This experience involves engaging in agricultural work and green studies while providing you with a deeper insight into Israeli society by volunteering with unique educational programs for children from both Israeli Arab and Jewish communities.
Sikkum (Closing) Seminar: At the end, we will hold our closing program to fully process and understand what Shnat was all about: Leadership, kvutzah, responsibility, understanding diversity, and ethical hadracha – all in the Spirit of Progressive Judaism, Reform Zionism and Tikkun Olam! This seminar will prepare you to take all that you learnt back to your movement and communities at home.
*Netzer seminars and volunteer activities- Throughout the Program, we will be conducting Netzer seminars on various topics covering Netzer content, the Progressive Movement in Israel, Israel and Zionism
Shnat Netzer is affiliated with the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), the global network of Reform and Progressive Jews, and MASA Israel Journey, a leading Israel organization supported by the Jewish Agency for Israel with the Israeli Government.
Please note:
- During the program, there may be changes between the chapters according to the opportunities and needs.
- All Shnat Netzer activities are subject to change owing to restrictions and responses to the Israeli Government and related program partner operators.