Our WUPJ staff, board members, and the young adult participants of Shnat Netzer in Israel are accounted for and following the safety protocols of the authorities for their protection.
The WUPJ condemns the horrifying acts of terrorism carried out by Hamas against scores of innocent civilians and supports Israel’s right to defend itself.
The images coming out of Israel are shocking, and Jews around the world feel the pain and horror of seeing our siblings executed in their homes. What is meant to be a day of joy, a celebration of the end of the Sukkot and Simchat Torah, the most festive holiday on the Jewish calendar, has become a day of horror and bomb shelters.
Today, the sound of children and elderly celebrating in the streets has been replaced by the nervous silence of a country at war waiting to hear the fate of neighbors and loved ones and bracing for another round of conflict.
We pray for the safety and success of Israel’s soldiers and police who are fighting to defend the Jewish homeland and for the peace of all Israel and all the world.
יי עוז לעמו ייתן, יי יברך את עמו בשלום.
G-d will give strength to people and bless our people with Peace.