The World Union for Progressive Judaism repudiates racial violence in all its forms anywhere.
In the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd, and the subsequent outpouring of pain, we add our voice to those demanding justice for George Floyd’s family, and for peace to return to America’s cities.
We recognize that this tragic event did not occur in a vacuum, and that it is part of the larger, systemic problem of race relations in America. We call upon all WUPJ’s Jewish communities and their leaders to express their adherence to the principle in our Torah to love our neighbor as ourselves. This requires tackling racism in our communities and committing ourselves to stand with those challenging hate and ignorance wherever it appears and to whomever it is directed.
Today, as always, our commitment to Tikkun Olam calls us to make our biblical mission heard, Justice, Justice, you shall pursue.
Rabbi Sergio Bergman
President, WUPJ
Read the Spanish and Portuguese versions of the statement.