ARZENU, representing Reform and Progressive Religious Zionists around the world and in Israel, congratulates longtime friend of our Movement Isaac Herzog on his unanimous election to the post of Chairman of the Jewish Agency of Israel. Mr. Herzog’s appointment reflects the deep concern of the Jewish Zionist leadership of the expanding rift between the State of Israel and large segments of the Jewish people around the world and the urgent need for an Israeli leadership that strives for a close and respectful dialogue between all the streams of Judaism, and to give a sense to every Jew that the State of Israel is their home. We are confident that Mr. Herzog will continue the path of Mr. Natan Sharansky, the outgoing Chairman, who played a major role in supporting pluralism by curbing conversion laws, promoting the historic compromises on the Western Wall and other issues, and taking a clear stance against inflammatory statements and actions. As strong partners of Mr. Herzog, we are looking forward to working with him and the government of Israel to move these issues forward and help unite the Jewish people in supporting the State of Israel.