Torah from Around the World #169

by Rabbi Fred Davidow, Chaplain, Glendale Uptown Home, Philadelphia, PA Blue has been a distinctive color of Judaism since Biblical times. In the Torah, God commands the Israelites to wear a garment with fringes at each corner and to attach a blue thread to the fringes (Numbers 15:37-38). The blue dye used to color the […]

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Torah from around the world #119

by Rabbi Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor, Vice President, Philanthropy, World Union for Progressive Judaism Perhaps the greatest human tragedy is our inability to deal with a plague that has surfaced over and over again, from generation to generation. It is a disease that prevents human beings from ever achieving their highest goals: from societies that aspire […]

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Torah from around the world #69

By Rabbi Dr. Charles Middleburgh, Cardiff Reform Synagogue , Wales It has often been said that you can find anything you wish to find on the Internet, and although I cannot assert that this statement is true I know from my own experience that for one reason or another, people have put up in the […]

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Torah from around the world #19

by Rabbi Rich Kirschen, Director, The Anita Saltz International Education Center of the World Union for Progressive Judaism Noam Chomsky (who I cannot stand), Elvis Costello (whose music I still like), and now shooting missiles into the Flotilla… What exactly is Israel thinking these days? We need a far more sophisticated response to our detractors… So […]

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Torah from Around the World #329

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Grisha Abramovich, head Rabbi of the Religious Union for Progressive Judaism in the Republic of Belarus Stop Just Complaining and Do Something Question – What technology, instrument or human resources do we need to run a Jewish community, its programs, services and events? There are many books, instructions, lessons and ideas […]

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Torah from Around the World #275

Recent Issues This Shabbat we will read Parashat “Beha’alotcha”, the third portion in the book of Bamidbar (Numbers). “Beha’alotcha” is the 36th portion in the Torah (which contains 54 Portions), from Numbers 8:1 to 12:16. It has 136 verses, 7,055 Hebrew letters, 1,840 Hebrew words, and about 240 lines in a regular Torah Scroll. Our […]

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Torah from Around the World #222

Recent Issues By Rabbi Uri Lam, 44, Sociedade Israelita da Bahia ( SIB – Jewish Congregation of Bahia ), Salvador, Bahia St., Brazil “El Na Refa Na La” (God, please, heal her, please) Five words. From one moment to the next, Moses – the only man who saw God face to face – humbles himself […]

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Torah from around the world #118

by Rabbi Lawrence Englander, Solel Congregation of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada A lone street musician in Santa Monica, California, strums his guitar and begins to sing “Stand By Me” (click here for YouTube clip). Then, through the marvel of technology, the camera shifts to New Orleans where another musician picks up the tune and carries on. […]

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Torah from around the world #68

by Rabbi David Ariel-Joel, Congregation Adath Israel Brith Shalom , Louisville, Kentucky Let us take a look at a small segment of the ‘Be’haalot’cha’ Torah portion, a section which challenges the concept of prophecy as a leadership and ruling tool. “ A young man ran and told Moshe, Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the […]

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Torah from around the world #18

by Rabbi Michael Dolgin, Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto How can we move a people forward?  Our people is known for its wandering.  We are centered in Israel both emotionally and geographically, but we are spread across the face of the earth.  Though a small people, we are divided.  We affirm different Jewish cultures, varied […]

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Blessings Abound | Parashat Naso

In recent years, it seems like the word “blessing” is on everyone’s lips. When I was a child the only time I heard the word “bless” outside of the synagogue was after another person sneezed and someone nearby responded either “God bless you” or just “bless you.” In Hebrew, a similar response would be livriut, […]

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Torah from Around the World #274

Recent Issues Parashat Naso: You Shall Bless and be Blessed By: Rabbi Y. Lindsey bat Joseph, executive director of the Sol Mark Centre for Jewish Excellence in British Columbia, Canada. In parashat Lekh L’kha , the Holy One promises Abraham “… I will bless you … And you shall be a blessing … and all […]

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