Latin America
Union for Reform Judaism for Latin America (UJR-AmLat)
Congregação Israelita Paulista • São Paulo
Community Seder Tu BiShvat
→ Sunday, January 16 | 7pm (Local Time)
“Youth, Climate, and Faith: How do religion, activism and the urgent climate change agenda connect?”
→ Sunday, January 17, 7:30pm (Local Time)
With Isabel Pereira (Instituto de Estudos da Religião) and Pedro Carcereri (director of documentary ‘Juventudes, Clima e Fé: como religião, ativismo e a pauta urgente das mudanças climáticas se conectam?’). Mediated by Rabbi Rogério Cukierman.
Guests: Mirim Ju Yan Guarany (native population representative), Amanda Costa (representative of pentecostals and evangelicals) e David Beraha (jewish communitites representative).
Both events will be livestreamed on their website.
→ Sunday, January 17, 7:30pm (Local Time)
With Isabel Pereira (Instituto de Estudos da Religião) and Pedro Carcereri (director of documentary ‘Juventudes, Clima e Fé: como religião, ativismo e a pauta urgente das mudanças climáticas se conectam?’). Mediated by Rabbi Rogério Cukierman.

→ Learn more about the UJR-AmLat