Latin America

Union for Reform Judaism for Latin America (UJR-AmLat)


Click here to see UJR AmLat’s Tu B’Shvat Haggadah, and here to see the material they produced to help us celebrate and learn more about the New Year of the Trees. Versions in English, Portuguese and Spanish.


Congregação Israelita Paulista • São Paulo

Community Seder Tu BiShvat
→ Sunday, January 16 | 7pm (Local Time)

“Youth, Climate, and Faith: How do religion, activism and the urgent climate change agenda connect?”
→ Sunday, January 17, 7:30pm (Local Time)
With Isabel Pereira (Instituto de Estudos da Religião) and Pedro Carcereri (director of documentary ‘Juventudes, Clima e Fé: como religião, ativismo e a pauta urgente das mudanças climáticas se conectam?’). Mediated by Rabbi Rogério Cukierman.

Guests: Mirim Ju Yan Guarany (native population representative), Amanda Costa (representative of pentecostals and evangelicals) e David Beraha (jewish communitites representative).

Both events will be livestreamed on their website.

→ Learn more about the UJR-AmLat