[AUSTRALIA] Summer Camp Success in the Time of Corona

uring the recent summer in Australia, Netzer Olami snifim (branches) in Sydney and Melbourne managed to host two successful – and safety compliant – summer camps for close to 190 children and youth with 35 counselors. MachaNetzer, for seniors, ran from January 6-12 and  MachaNoar, for junior campers, ran from January 19-23. Summer camps in Sydney were held at Emanuel Synagogue and North Shore Temple Emanuel and summer camps in Melbourne were held at the King David School, TempleBeth Israel and a campsite.

Scene from Netzer Day Camp, Summer 2018

[GLOBAL] 2018 Summer Camp Roundup

A lifetime of Jewish connections in one summer! The WUPJ 2018 Youth Camping Report highlights the impact of our international camping movement throughout the world, featuring statistics and locations of summer camps, counselors in key countries around the world!

Scene from Netzer Summer Camp in the FSU, 2018

[FSU] Netzer Summer Camps in Full Swing for Hundreds Across FSU

Summer camps are in full swing in Belarus, Russia, Poland and Ukraine, with more than 600 campers enjoying outdoor activities and exploring Reform Judaism. Many are still celebrating 70 years of the State of Israel as central themes for cultural, artistic and historical activities in their camps.

An infographic featuring numbers and statistics from 2017 Netzer summer camp activities around the world

Netzer Summer Camps 2017 By the Numbers

2017 was a summer to remember – full of Jewish enrichment, leadership engagement, and activities for children and young adults all over the globe. If you’ve ever wondered about the scope of impact and outreach by Netzer Olami, the World Union’s youth and young adult movement, then read up on all the numbers and details below: