Progressive Rabbis Enter the Western Wall Kotel Plaza for Egalitarian Prayer as part of the World Union's CONNECTIONS conference, May 2017

Condemnation From Across our Global Movement: The World Union And Regions Respond to Netanyahu’s Comments on Reform Judaism

On September 19, while visiting New York to speak at the United Nations, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, accused the Reform and Conservative movements in Israel of using their partnership in the Western Wall agreement as a clandestine way to gain recognition. The World Union, along with its regional affiliates, responded to his charges with the following statement.

Services in Blaustein Hall of Beit Shmuel in Jerusalem

Update from Beit Shmuel: Cancellation of Conference by Ultra Orthodox Minister Makes Headlines

The World Union’s Beit Shmuel Conference Center in Jerusalem was recently scheduled to host a conference by Israel’s Ministry of Health. Within 24 hours of the conference’s scheduled opening, MK Yaakov Litzman, Minister of Health and member of the Ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party, cancelled the conference because of its association with Reform Judaism. The […]