Chanukah 2017 Celebrations in Moscow at L'Dor veDor community

[RUSSIA] Hannukah Celebrations 2017

Hanukkah was celebrated by Progressive communities large and small across Russia, each congregation celebrated in its own special way. In Tyumen, the Madregot community organized a Jewish culture festival from December 8-10. Tyumen congregation Community Spiritual Leader Igor Varkin and Chair Elena Mozgovaya, along with Cantor Dmitry Karpenko, took part in all events. The culmination of […]

Reading from an open Torah scroll

On Parashat Vayeshev, Joseph and the Maccabees, Emancipation and Chanukkah

Chanukkah begins on the 25th of Kislev because that was the day of the re-dedication of the Temple according to the Book of Maccabees. The coincidence of the Maccabee victory being recorded as having taken place on the Shabbat on which we hear hearing about Joseph is just that, a coincidence.