Learning and reflections from across our regions
The Heroic Work of Repentance
This time of year, we hear again and again about how much emphasis Judaism places on the nuances of how to address harm of all kinds. I am convinced that the steps of repentance and repair outlined by the medieval Jewish philosopher…
A Vegan Rosh HaShanah for a Sweet New Year
I am vegan because I am Jewish. Everything that led me to a vegan practice came from my childhood where I kept kosher, learned by asking thoughtful questions, and practiced daily rituals like hand washing and reciting brachot that brought…
Cantares de Iamim Noraim
Beit Shirá Israelí, Fundación Judaica’s Music School, with the support of the WZO and the Fundación BAMÁ, proposes a reflection on consciousness awakening. The joy of being able to express Jewish values tradition through the universal language of music.
Hagei Tishrei
Booklet with stories, activities, questions, songs, games, and creations for all Tishrei holidays: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah. (in Hebrew)
Blowing the Shofar
In preparation for the High Holy Days, IMPJ shares a video of shofar blowing as well as a variety of online prayers in the congregations of the movement.