Program Overview

Below are highlights from full conference program and a sample of how you can build your Connections experience each day.
This year’s online conference offers multiple options for learning and networking throughout the day. We’ve designed a varied program that:
• combines on demand, zoom breakout, live streams and more so your daily selections and experiences are filled with interactive components;
• reaches across seven time zones so members across our regions all have access to engaging and insightful content at convenient times;
• varies in content type from lectures and panel discussions to recreational and special programming so spending your day with Connections 2021 reflects a real conference day.
We have much more planned so stay tuned and enjoy the overview!

We’ve got a full schedule of events waiting for you! Register today to join us!

Please note: You will receive an email with the invitation to the event’s online platform, SpotMe, a few hours after your registration.
Weekday Prayers
Welcome to Connections 2021! Tech Tutorials: All About our Online Platform
Main Stage: The Challenges of Jewish Philanthropy in the Post-COVID Era
With Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer, Andrés Spokoiny, Laura Marks, OBE, and Rabbi Sergio Bergman
Premier Event: Rabbi Bergman’s Vision for the WUPJ
With Rabbi Sergio Bergman
Main Stage: Doing DEI Work in the Movements
With Rabbi Sandra Lawson, Yolanda Savage-Narva, and Marcella White Campbell
Networking: Coffee break and lunch together
Main Stage: Towards a Century of WUPJ: An Intimate Conversation with our Presidents
With Rabbi Sergio Bergman, Ambassador Rabbi David Saperstein, Rabbi Daniel H. Freelander, and Rabbi Stephen Fuchs. Moderated by Rabbi Deborah Blausten
Main Stage: Stuck at Home but Sightseeing the World: The Changing Landscape of Virtual Travel
With Shari Robins, Dani Rotstein, and Arielle Sokoloff
Main Stage: Masel Tov Cocktail: Film Screening and Discussion
With Arkadij Khaet
Networking: The Chef’s Secrets in Kosher and Asian Recipes
With Rosita Ezra Goldstein
Main Stage: Music at Home
With Rose Snitz, Nefesh Mountain, Chava Mirel, Rabbi Becky Silverstein, and Eric Hunker
Premier Event: Opening Ceremony and Installation of Rabbi Sergio Bergman, President, WUPJ
Latin American Adult B’nei Mitzvah Service
Networking: Pilates
Main Stage: Skip Small Talk and Bridge Divides with Big Talk
With Kalina Silverman
Main Stage: The Partnership Between National Institutions and the Reform Movement
With Yair Lootsteen, Rabbi Lea Mühlstein, Gusti Yehoshua-Braverman, and Rabbi Sergio Bergman
Premier Event: The Nature of Nature – Why We Need the Wild
With Enric Sala and Rabbi Sergio Bergman
Premier Event: The WUPJ Jewish Effective Giving Initiative – A Call to Action
With Professor Peter Singer, Charlie Bresler, Professor Steven Pinker, PhD, Rabbi Yael Splansky, Adam Azari, and Rabbi Sergio Bergman
Main Stage: Judaism as a Culture or Religious Stream
With Dr. Ruth Calderon, Rabbi Dalia Marx, Rabbi Ariel Picard, Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Ph.D., and Rabbi Sergio Bergman
Premier Event: Should Our Rabbis Get Involved in Political Parties to Defend Our Values in the Societies Where We Live?
With MK Rabbi Gilad Kariv, Rabbi Denise Eger, Rabbi Walter Homolka, and Rabbi Sergio Bergman
Main Stage: Music and Sharing
With Neshama Carlebach
Networking: What’s the Dill? the Pluralism of Pickles
With Rabbi Ari Lorge
Main Stage: Singing in the Dark
With Charlie Kramer
Networking: Young Adult Schmooza Palooza
Main Stage: Working with Interfaith Families: Best Principles for Jewish Organizations
With Tema Smith
Main Stage: Storytelling for Social Justice Leaders
With Logan Zinman Garber
Main Stage: Antisemitism on the Right and the Left
With Rabbi Lindsey Danziger, Dr. Keith Kahn-Harris, Dr. Lesley Klaff, Darryl Coulton, and Jacob Kraus-Preminger
Young Adult Oneg Shabbat
Main Stage: Triangles in Jewish Teaching
With Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah
Main Stage: The Tikkun Project
With Daniel Abramson
Kabbalat Shabbat
Music of the Heart
With Rabbi Noam Katz, Student Rabbi Cantor Shani Ben Or, Boaz Dorot, Feliza Zohar, Rabbi Or Zohar, and Shimon Smith
Shabbat Shacharit
City Tours
Torah Study Sessions
in English 
Torah Study Sessions 
in Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian
Shabbat Mincha
Networking: Wonder Bar
Last Night Show
Premier Event: Closing Ceremony