Torah from around the world #54

by Rabbi Dr. Shaul (Paul) R Feinberg, Associate Dean Emeritus, Hebrew Union College , Jerusalem This week’s Parasha opens with an administrative injunction: a call for a census of males of military age. For a number of reasons the census was to be carried out by counting  a one-half shekel contribution to the Temple. As […]

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Torah from around the world #10

By Rabbi Gabor Lengyel 4 March 2010 / 18 Adar 5770 וידבר יהוה אל משה לאמור: כי תשא את ראש בני ישראל לפקדיהם ונתנו  איש כפר נפשו ליהוה (Exodus 30: 11-12) “The Eternal One spoke to Moses, saying: When you take a census of the Israelite men according to their army enrollment, each shall pay […]

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Torah from Around the World #367

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Dr. Walter Rothschild, Rabbi of congregation ‘ Or Chadasch ‘ in Vienna, Austria. A while ago we suffered a near catastrophe at home; my daughter was heating some oil on the stove, preparing to fry something, when the oil caught fire. Flames shot up from the pan and the kitchen filled […]

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Torah from Around the World #312

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Dr. Walter Rothschild, Rabbi of ‘ Or Chadasch ‘ Liberal Jewish Community, Vienna Remembering the Future ” Remember what they did to You! Remember what they did to Us !” In Deuteronomy 25:17 to 19 Moses is of course addressing the adult children of those who left Egypt and who were […]

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Torah from around the world #205

by Rabbi Rich Kirschen, Director of Israel Programs, Union for Reform Judaism So what do we have here in this week’s Torah Portion of Tetzaveh? Unfortunately we have a very long and not very interesting description of the High Priest and the clothes he is about to wear before ordination. We have instructions for building the […]

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Taking Time to Stop and Pick the Olives | Parashat Tetzaveh

My brother-in-law has many talents. In addition to playing the banjo, he’s a builder and carpenter; attorney specializing in environmental issues; and all around good guy. But his passion is olive farming. This year, with the help of volunteers from around the world as well as extended friends and family from our home at Kibbutz Gezer, he harvested two tons of olives. In many ways he embodies A.D. Gordon’s “Religion of Labor” and the philosophy of Labor Zionism.

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Torah from around the world #104

by Rabbi Danny Burkeman, The Community Synagogue , Port Washington, NY When I was 22 years old I applied for a job as a movement worker at RSY-Netzer. This was a one-year position for graduates of the youth movement who were just completing university. It was a job for which there was no uniform, and […]

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Torah from around the world #9

Parshat T’zaveh continues the account of God’s instructions to Moses concerning the building of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. It concentrates on the inauguration of Aaron and his sons as the first priests of the Israelite people, an event of political as well as religious significance. From now on, priesthood and prophecy will be clearly […]

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Torah from around the world #53

by Rabbi Tirzah Ben-David, Rabbi of Shir Hatzafon Progressive Congregation , Copenhagen, Denmark Our Parasha deals with the legendary institution of the Priesthood in ancient Israelite society, and focuses on the importance of appearances. What the high priest wears – the linen vestments, the breastplate, the twelve stones representing the twelve tribes – is an intrinsic […]

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Torah from Around the World #366

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld, Congregation Albert , Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA When my wife and I were engaged, we forged an agreement that, 29 years later, is still in force. When buying furniture, painting the house, remodeling, putting artwork on the walls, and all other home tasks that require being able to picture […]

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On Building, Foundations and Freedom | Parashat Terumah

What is sometimes worse than losing a revolution??? Winning. The day after the revolution is over we often see revolutionaries demonstrating behavior of great let-down or even depression. The fight is over, the cause has been achieved, and now the really hard work begins. Building. Laying groundwork, creating infrastructure and setting up systems requires an […]

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Torah from around the world #204

by Rabbi J. Gendra-Molina , Ph.D., M.H.L One might think that the long description of the measurements and the details of the construction of the sanctuary do not deserve much of our attention. If so, it would be better to meditate at length on one of the opening verses that frame our reading for this […]

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