Torah from Around the World #370

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Grisha Abramovich, Rabbi of the Union for Progressive Judaism in the Republic of Belarus and the Sandra Breslauer “ Beit Simcha ” center in Minsk. In July 1974, our world lost one of the most distinguished Assyriologists of his generation, Adolf Leo Oppenheim. Some 10 years earlier he published his book […]

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Torah from Around the World #316

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Natan M. Landman is a retired U.S. Air Force Chaplain with extensive experience as a teacher of Judaism The Dynamics of Levitical Sacrifice Speak to the Israelite people and say to them: When any of you presents an offering of cattle to the Lord, he shall choose his offering from the […]

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Torah from Around the World #264

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Sheryl Nosan-Lantzke , Founding Rabbi of Jewish Spirituality Australia and The Hebrew Mini-Miracle Five-Hour Course Tiramisu. My husband’s favourite late night treat is tiramisu, and I love to buy it for him from our corner shop. We linger over precious, sweet, rich moments in the quiet of the evening after the […]

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The Torah of Priests for a Kingdom of Priests: Living with Conscious Being | Parashat Vayikra

Vayikra, the third book of the Torah, is known in the tradition as “Torat Cohanim”, dealing as it does with many laws concerning the priests and their role in leading the people in service to God… The Lubavich Rabbi commented that, “Being the most difficult to understand, the Book of Vayikra demands more effort from its reader, which in turn lifts the reader to new heights of understanding and spiritual achievement.” Of all the books in the Torah, Vayikra challenges us to think about what it means to live by the Torah’s precepts and what it means to be in service to God.

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Torah from Around the World #158

By Rabbi Stanley M. Davids, Jerusalem, Israel Jewish tradition maintains that when children begin their religious studies, the first text that they encounter should be the Book of Leviticus, the third Book of the Torah. Leviticus Rabbah 7:3 suggests, ‘Let those who are pure and without sin begin with the study of the laws of […]

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Torah from around the world #107

by Rabbi John Levi , Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Beth Israel , Melbourne, Australia There is a perpetual quarrel between Exodus and Leviticus. The Book of Exodus is high drama. It takes us through the departure from Egypt and the revelation at Mt. Sinai. It dashes our dreams with the episode of the molten calf […]

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Torah from around the world #57

by Rabbi Michael Dolgin, Senior Rabbi, Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto , Toronto, Canada Looking at Parashat Vayikra, all I can think is: out of the frying pan and into the fire!  The last 5 weeks of parashiyot from the book of Shmot/Exodus have been very challenging.  With the exception of the story of the […]

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Torah from around the world #12

As we begin a new book of Torah, we realize that it is time for a commercial break.  The events that close the book of Exodus will find their resolution in the book of Numbers.  Wedged between these two books is Leviticus – a commercial for the priesthood.  For many years – decades, even – […]

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Torah from around the world #56

by Rabbi Dr. Walter Rothschild, Landesrabbiner of Schleswig-Holstein. The travelling tent – the tent for God – is ready. The Levites – descendants of Gershon and Merari and Kehath – will initially spend their working lives mainly as furniture removers, the descendants of Aaron as holy slaughterers. The People – with a capital P – […]

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Parashat Pekudei | On Tzedakah, Giving and Supporting Israel

The cold desert sand found its way in between my toes as I walked silently through a small patch of the Arava wilderness. The hues of the early morning sun glistened off the mountains of Edom leaving me in a moment of awe at the sheer beauty of my surroundings and of those who make their lives there. This fleeting ephemeral moment of ‘at-oneness’ with nature was transformed as I stepped into the garden.

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Torah from Around the World #369

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Benjie Gruber, Rabbi at Temple Har Zion Toronto and Scholar in Residence for ARZA Canada The Cherubim – Were They Jewish? As the building of the Tabernacle begins we have a chance to glance at the process of the building of the first Jewish Temple. These two parashot pretty much focus […]

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Torah from Around the World #314

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Mark Goldsmith, Alyth – North Western Reform Synagogue , Temple Fortune, London, UK Twitter: @alythsyn @rabbimarkg Building a Synagogue Every modern synagogue has its own style. Sometimes it comes about by accident, sometimes by design, sometimes pushed in a particular way by the most active members or donors, and sometimes the […]

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