Torah from around the world #7

by Rabbi Mark Goldsmith North Western Reform Synagogue , Alyth Gardens, London This Shabbat my family celebrates the Bat Mitzvah of our eldest daughter Alice. In her D’var Torah on Parashat Mishpatim Alice talks about her journey of learning during the year: from feeling that her portion was, in her words, “a series of rules […]

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Torah from Around the World #364

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Neal Borovitz, Rabbi Emeritus Temple Avodat Shalom , River Edge, New Jersey, USA The Torah portion for this week is called Yitro and is named after Moses’ father-in-law. The high point of this parasha and the climax of the entire Torah is Exodus 20, which is the conclusion of this week’s […]

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Torah from Around the World #309

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Danny Burkeman, Rabbi at the Community Synagogue in Port Washington, New York, USA. He is a former Board member of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) Empowering the People When I think back to my time in RSY-Netzer (the Reform Jewish Youth movement in Britain) I find it hard to […]

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Torah from Around the World #258

Recent Issues By Rabbi Dr. Walter Rothschild. Landesrabbiner of Schleswig-Holstein. This sidra is famous for the encounter between God and Israel – through Moses – on the Mountain in Sinai – known as ‘Matan Torah’, the Revelation and Giving of the Teachings. What does this mean? We can distinguish in the Torah between two specific […]

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Torah from around the world #202

by Rabbi Sheryl Nosan-Lantzke, Jewish Spirituality Australia (in Perth, and Worldwide at ) This week’s parasha, Yitro, brings us to revelation at Sinai, but doesn’t reveal tablets of “The Ten Commandments.” We hear God’s instructions (including direction to worship only God, sanctify Shabbat and honour parents as well as prohibitions against murder, theft and […]

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Torah from Around the World #152

by Rabbi Mark L. Winer, Ph.D., D.D. The Arab Spring arouses both hope and fear. Within the last couple of years, upheaval in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and most of all Syria has seized the world’s attention.  Emerging Arab leaders espouse Western democratic values. But democratic elections following the collapse of dictatorships sometimes produce extremist Islamist Arab leadership. Indeed, […]

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United We Stand | A Call to Action and Reminder from Parashat Yitro

Parashat Yitro contains one of the most dramatic scenes of the entire Torah, and possibly the pivotal moment of all of Jewish History – it is the Torah portion which relates our primary encounter with the divine. The paradigmatic moment of revelation retold in this parasha serves as the classic example of what it means to have God’s will revealed to us on the collective level.

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Torah from around the world #50

by Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon, Senior Rabbi Temple Emanu-El , Tucson, Arizona, and host of “The Too Jewish Radio Show” with Rabbi Sam Cohon and Friends When I was a child my father tried very hard to get me to memorize certain central passages in Jewish tradition, believing that they would become a more important […]

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Torah from around the world #6

by Rabbi Joan Glazer Farber, R.J.E. Adult Learning Specialist for the Union for Reform Judaism When Can We Truly See ? Each year when we read Parashat Yitro, many of us tend to focus on the later sections of the parashah. We are caught up in the awe and splendor of that moment at the […]

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Torah from Around the World #363

More News By: Rabbi Paul Golomb, Senior Scholar, Vassar Temple , Poughkeepsie, NY An old joke regarding the Torah characterizes Exodus as the book in which two big things happen. One is the revelation at Mt. Sinai, and the other takes place in this week’s portion: the crossing of the Red Sea. The flight from […]

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Torah from Around the World #308

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon, Senior Rabbi, Temple Emanu-El , Tucson, Arizona, USA The Song to the Violent God “ God (YHVH) is a man of war! YHVH is His Name! ” — Exodus 15:3 The Torah portion of B’Shalach is justly famous for two reasons. First, it tells the great tale of […]

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Torah from Around the World #257

Recent Issues By: Rabbi Neal I Borovitz, Rabbi Emeritus Temple Avodat Shalom , River Edge NJ. Sing Unto God!! In Memory of Debbie Friedman Our Torah reading this Shabbat includes the Song at the Sea, the poem sung by Moses and the Israelites after they traverse the Sea of Reeds unharmed. The Zohar, the mystical […]

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