Scenes from the Wilkenfeld International Women's Empowerment Seminar June 2018

[Jerusalem] Reflections on the Wilkenfeld International Women’s Leadership Seminar

Recently, I was privileged to participate in the WUPJ – WRJ Wilkenfeld International Women’s Leadership Seminar at Beit Shmuel, headquarters of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, in Jerusalem. This intense and intimate learning experience, conceived of and endowed by WRJ Past President Dolores Wilkenfeld, brings together Reform and Progressive Jewish women from different parts […]

Wilkenfeld Seminar Wordcloud of Issues facing Regorm Jewish Women Leaders

[JERUSALEM] The Second Wilkenfeld International Women’s Leadership Seminar Forges New Female Pathways for Impact in 2018

Led in partnership with the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), the Wilkenfeld International Women’s Leadership Seminar is a leadership training program for women in Reform/Progressive congregations around the world who have been identified as potential emerging leaders. This year, 21 participants from 15 countries, representing a variety of the WUPJ regions, came to Jerusalem for […]

The World Union’s 2017 Annual Report

We are pleased to share the World Union for Progressive Judaism 2017 Annual Report highlighting our accomplishments, activities, and financial results. We thank you for your support and partnership in growing and strengthening Reform Judaism across the world. To download a pdf version of our Annual report, click here: The World Union’s Annual Report 2017.

Carole Sterling and Walter Homolka at the Dedication Ceremony of new Building for Abraham Geiger College

[Germany] Dedication of Abraham Geiger College’s Future Home

“It is from here that we shall continue the enormous task of contributing to the renaissance of German and European Jewish life & learning,” said WUPJ chair Carole Sterling at the dedication of the new building of Abraham Geiger College and the School of Jewish Theology in Potsdam on 23 April. She conveyed the thanks […]

Scenes of participants connecting at the Kotel during the Beutel Leadership 2018

Reflections on Impact: The Beutel Leadership Seminar in Jerusalem, February 2018

  In February, there were 10 intense days of activities, with hands-on classes on the streets of Israel. The 18 participants, representing 13 different countries (Brazil, Australia, Zimbabwe, Belgium, Spain, the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Canada, England and Germany) also had intense debates about topics proposed by the Beutel Seminar for Jewish Reform […]