Netzer Olami has a new leadership

Last week, all of the snifim (branches) voted for the new Netzer Olami Hanhagah and we are super excited to announce that Beatriz Rubinsztain (Avanhandava – Brazil), Naomi Tamir (Netzer UPJ – Germany) and Vicky Richards (Netzer Australia) will all be a part of the Netzer Olami Hanhagah!

[NETZER] Shnat Netzer Olami Gap Year Begins in Israel

Young adults from South Africa, Australia, and the UK began their Shnat Netzer Olami gap year program — Shnat Ramah — in Israel in late January. Shnatties gathered for the opening program at Kibbutz Revivim in the Negev. 

[UK] RSY-Netzer Launchs Online Platform and Reinvents Youth Engagement

When lockdown began in March 2020, RSY-Netzer was quick to launch an online platform for their chanichimot to engage with while stuck at home. Remote Synagogue Youth provided a few hours a day for chanichimot to engage with a variety of activities run by RSY-Netzer chanichimot (leaders).

[JERUSALEM] Mourning the Passing of Paula Edelstein, Z”L

The World Union mourns the passing of our dedicated leader, long-time supporter, and dear friend, Paula Edelstein, Z”L, following a long and brave battle with illness. Paula was an advocate and pioneer for Reform Judaism, serving on the boards of many influential global Jewish and Israeli organizations.

Shnat Netzer 2021 Registration Now Open!

As the gap year program of Netzer Olami and the World Union for Progressive Judaism, Shnat Netzer brings post-high school young adults from our global movement to Israel for a transformative experience.

This is Not Tikkun Olam

A feature article of the RSY-Netzer summer choveret focusing on Justice and Judaism written by Orit Sagi, Director of Programs, Netzer Olami and Tamar Olami. The multi-media project includes inspiring and informative essays by Reform Jewish educators, and madrichim/ot and bogrim/ot of Netzer Olami.

Netzer FSU Sails the Summer Seas in Funfilled Online Summer Camp

On June 5-7, Netzer FSU hosted a three-day, online summer camp extravaganza, conceived as a sea-faring voyage through Jewish culture for 35 passengers, ages 8-12, with the coolest crew – Netzer FSU madrichim, educators, volunteers and more – at the helm.