Torah from around the world #185

Temporary Homes, Permanent Homes: Reflections for Sukkot by Rabbi Danny Burkeman , The Community Synagogue , Port Washington, NY Many of you will know the story of the three little pigs, each one of whom built a home; one out of straw, one out of wood and one out of brick. A wolf came along […]

Torah from around the world #135

Torah Commentary for Chol Hamoed Sukkot (Kohelet) by Rabbi Dr Charles H Middleburgh , Director of Jewish Studies at Leo Baeck College , London, and rabbi to the Cardiff Reform Synagogue in Cardiff, Wales. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when […]

Torah from around the world #33

Chol HaMo’ed Sukkot 5771 (Exodus 33:12-34:26) by Rabbi Lawrence A. Englander During Sukkot, I sometimes find myself meandering down the aisles of my local hardware store in search of glue, screws, and hinges to repair my disintegrating sukkah that I first built years ago.  After all, no sukkah is meant to last forever.  But what […]

Torah from around the world #84

Think Globally, Act Locally, Do it Together / reflections for Yom Kippur 5772 by Rabbi Mark Goldsmith, Alyth , North Western Reform Synagogue, London; Chair of The Assembly of Reform Rabbis UK It is not certain who first used the phrase “think globally, act locally”.  It became widely used from the 1970’s onwards as the environmentalist […]

Torah from around the world #184

Reflections for Yom Kippur 5774 by Rabbi Dr Charles H Middleburgh, Director of Jewish Studies Director of Jewish Studies and Senior Lecturer at Leo Baeck College, London, and rabbi to the Cardiff Reform Synagogue in Cardiff, Wales . Many, many years ago, when I was a child, there was one part of the High Holy […]

Torah from around the world #83

Tekiah, Shevarim, Teruah / commentary for Rosh Hashana by Rabbi Michel Schlesinger, Congregação Israelita Paulista (CIP) (for the Portuguese version, please scroll down or click here ) Of all the symbols related to the High Holidays, the shofar is the one which draws most of our attention. This ancient musical instrument was used in biblical […]

Torah from around the world #32

How many lies are contained in the phrase “A mosque at ground zero”? Erev Rosh HaShana 5771 by Rabbi Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor, Vice President, World Union for Progressive Judaism / Congregation Da’at Elohim – The Temple of Universal Judaism, New York City There is something very strange and wonderful about this scene.  In fact, what we […]

Torah from around the world #30

“The Islamic Cultural Center in My Jewish New Year’s Prayers” – on Akedat Yitzchak (Genesis 22:1-24) By Rabbi Mark L. Winer, Senior Rabbi, West London Synagogue At the season of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hoshana, a time for taking stock has been established.  God commands us as Jews to confront the world in which […]

Helping You Celebrate Passover: Ideas and Inspiration from the World Union

As the Passover holiday nears – April 10-17 (in Israel), we’ve been gathering articles, recipes and printables to help enhance your celebration of this experiential holiday. Follow our Passover Pinterest board for ideas and inspiration for everything from your Seder, to the Haggadah, to the last days of matzah-eating – or click through for additional […]